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Inglis Dam

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Jan 2022
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? B
Birding B
Wildlife C
Summer Heat B
Terrain B *
Fun Hike B
Maintained B
Mosquitos D
Biting Files A *
Ticks B *
NOTE: Paved but have to climb a hill
NOTE: Were there in winter - PROBABLY none?
NOTE: Paved
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 10905 W Riverwood Dr, Crystal River, FL, Citrus, USA, 34428

1) What It's Like

A (fake) lake on the right, the Withlacoochie continues past the dam down on the right, lots of people fishing all around, continue forward and there's a nice paved trail with a lot of birds in the forest.

2) Kinds of Birds

In the lake we saw a few coots and gallinules plus some cormorant. On the path a kestrel and osprey. On the path once it enters the forest we heard a lot of birds in general.

3) Wildlife

Not sure what you should expect but we saw an armadillo.

4) Amenities

Parking. I don't think there was a chem toilet there.

5) Directions

You go through a very spread out residential forested area off the highway to get there.

6) Time Requirements

To just see the dam and the start of the trail I'd say 30 minutes. The trail I'm not clear how much is there. I think it's 2 miles for the paved part and maybe 8 miles of other trails. We did like 40 minutes - just the start.


It's an interesting place - it makes you feel like you are not in Florida due to the change in altitude and a dam being there.

Looks like in 1900 they damed the Withlacoochie river and until the 1960s it was used for hydroelectric power. It was also related to the aborted Cross Florida Barge Canal - you'll notice the river is unusually straight if you cross it at the highway.

To get there you go through an odd rural neighborhood (very spread out) then you just park near the actual dam. People are all over fishing. You walk over and the roar of the water is nice. On the right is the lake - some cormorants were there and on the other side in the weeds were some gallinules and coots. Keep going and it gently slopes down to a paved trail that I believe goes to the canal in a couple miles. We heard quite a few birds singing and making noise in here and it was a nice tall forest. Worth stopping if you're driving through the area birding. The nearby towns of Inglis and Yankeetown are quaint / nice to drive through.

There's more to this place but we were only briefly stopped.

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