Typical view [?]
NOTE: Do not want to but feel like we missed something would like to see
NOTE: Might be great birds in the right spot
NOTE: Could believe deer but saw nothing.
NOTE: Side of road - no hiking.
NOTE: Roadside
NOTE: Unlikely on side of road yes?
Accuracy: Read me
1) What It's LikeGet out signs from phosphate company, torn up land, long drive, read the Experience section. 2) Kinds of BirdsWe thought: ducks. But didn't have much luck beyond some coots. Some birds in trees along road that were more than a typical roadside. Kingfisher, warblers, red winged black birds, red shouldered hawk, and a kestrel. 3) WildlifeWould believe deer but saw nothing. 4) AmenitiesFew gas stations and at least one we went to was just depressed. As in the most poop I've seen smeared around a bathroom and despite people hanging out in the gas station nobody really cared which seemed really weird. I've been to countries where people pooped in the river and they would have cleaned this up. SO - definitely think about getting gas and bathroom breaks when you see a non-creepy gas station. 5) DirectionsFirst - remember we didn't find what we were looking for so you could consider going a different way! Also doing this awhile after the fact from memory. 6) Time RequirementsAwhile to get there then it's however many places you want to stop along a road. ExperienceGet ready for a crappy writeup - this is a summary of what we could not find really. |
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