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Powerline Road

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info

Andrew Thoreson
Jun 2020
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? A
Birding A
Wildlife D
Summer Heat D
Terrain A
Fun Hike F *
Maintained C *
Mosquitos B
Biting Files A
Ticks A
NOTE: It is a road - though pretty view
NOTE: It is a road. Sometimes they mow it.
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: Between Field of Drems Ln and Kettering Rd, Power Line Rd, Brooksville, FL, Hernando, USA, 34602

1) What It's Like

The whole area is hilly, mostly fields with some forest, but interesting birds tend to show up more often than other places. You have to be quiet and look and some days it's not much of anything but maybe meadowlarks. Pretty scenery though.

2) Kinds of Birds

Very varied. The average day there are meadlarks. Sometimes there are swallow tailed kites peppered around so there are 10 sweeping low over you and they when you look at the birds on the horizon you realize they are all over the area. Sometimes when it's very windy there are 100s of purple martins and swallows. Saw our first Indigo bunting here. Bluebirds are fairly common - sorta-nearby Chinsegut Big Pine has more though as well as red headed woodpecker - saw our first of them here. Everything seems to pass through the area except water birds.

3) Wildlife

Maybe a squirel. Never even seen a dead armadillo here.

4) Amenities

A road so none. If you go up Kettering road: on right a mile or two is a local Circle K type place with nice staff. If you go left towards the interstate there's a big speedway gas station and a few fastfood places and a Winn Dixie.

5) Directions

You can get there from two I75 exits. I forget what they are labeled but there are two exits you can take with very different drives. 293 is north Dade City - Blanton road. Exit 301 is Ridge Manor / US98 / Cortez Blvd. If you take 293 it's a pretty drive and you might see turkey etc but part of it is this mixed dirt/rock road that is very bumpy. So much so we usually don't take that one. However if you do and want a gas station the Citgo is 2 miles up the road, staff is nice. When you start to approach Powerline road you'll pass Sparton Electronics on the left - an easy thing to type into the GPS before the overpass. Once you clear the trees you're there and Kettering road is on the far side of this spot. If you take exit 301 then Kettering road is a light and you turn right (left and you get into very cool parks - Croom tract etc). The water tower is there, a Walmart fulfillment center is there (makes sign of cross to ward off evil). Sometimes there are interesting birds on this road - generally hawks. It deadends into Powerline - turn right. We usually go this way. When in doubt about which exit - 293 is a short turn off with no buildings, 301 is a really long turnoff road with buildings and signs far up.

6) Time Requirements

We usually stay half an hour and would suggest you wait quietly for at least 5-10 minutes but it's a road - it's up to you - nothing is required.


Powerline road is pretty great. But you could easily see nothing. You will PROBABLY see nothing if you're not into walking and waiting being open to seeing and hearing things. This area in general along with Trilby, Lockhardt, and Christian road etc are similar - very hilly fields with some trees. Might not see something every time but we've seen a lot of weird and interesting things here. Plus it's just peaceful. The sounds of meadowlarks. Wide open spaces. Idyllic houses. The place feels like it's a part of the weather. Great sunrises, great to experience an oncoming thunderstorm. Birding can be radically different from day to day with dozens of swallow tailed kites above and miles away visible, 100s of purple martins, one weird bird - etc. But again - I could see stopping here and wondering "WHY!!". As far as the layout goes: I would say the bounds are from Kettering road up to but not including the forested parts. If you keep going in that direction Spartan electronics is there. So the exposed hill with paved road. You can go left at Kettering on the dirt part but it's residential and you might see birds but it doesn't usually pan out and it's bumpy. Roads do not connect there although some web maps say they do. On the left hand side from Kettering (so South) there is a line of trees that are frustratingly far. Close enough to see stuff in them, too far to get good shots of with 1200mm zoom lens/binoculars. But - we've made out interesting things there despite the difficulty. On the other side of the road there is sort of a pit. There are a couple small trees in there where birds may land. Haven't noticed much around the houses or their yards. All fencing and the powerlines - one moment nothing - the next an indigo bunting. Stuff pops up and disappears here a lot. I'm guessing it's an exposed area they are traversing. Online people would talk about burrowing owls that's not current - none here. We usually park hear the top of a hill but not so close that a car could hit us as it flies over the hill - it's steep enough to be a blind spot. Watch and listen to the grasses - lots of meadowlark most days.

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All images and data © 2016-2025 Andrew Thoreson unless otherwise noted.