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Baycare Pond

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Mar 2019
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? A
Birding C *
Wildlife D
Summer Heat B
Terrain A
Fun Hike C
Maintained B
Mosquitos B
Biting Files A
Ticks A
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 2987 Drew St, Clearwater, FL, Pinellas, USA, 33759

1) What It's Like

Odd duck pond in back of parking lot of an office building.

2) Kinds of Birds

We saw mallards, mottled ducks, gallinules, grebes, and wading birds.

3) Wildlife

I think we saw a turtle and believe it or not there was scat that I didn't think looked like dog - more like coyote or bobcat... but 1)I'm very new to trying to guess which pile of poop belongs to which animal and 2)this is a pretty urban area. See pics for the scat in all it's glory!

4) Amenities

Lack of security guards escorting you out and signs warning of such an outcome.

5) Directions

Here's a picture from open street maps showing the pond on the bottom and a line showing that it's a bit of a maze to get to it.


6) Dear Ranger

Thanks for letting us enjoy the pond.

7) Time Requirements

15 minutes would cover it fine. You park and walk along a short sidewalk - or just park and look.


This is talking about the big rectangular pond along the back/south edge of this big parking area. There are a couple small ponds in front we didn't check but I doubt they compare. We parked on the right side - there's a sidewalk along the whole thing. We saw mallards, mottled ducks, gallinules, grebes, and wading birds. Some starting on the right but more were towards the left.

I'm not sure how much I can really complain here since this corporation is letting people in to look at the ducks and I'm not sure if it causes any harm but I get a bad feeling when I see dyed ponds. It used to be more common than it is now including the lake to get into disney.

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