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McKethan Lake (Withlacoochee State Forest)

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info

Andrew Thoreson
Mar 2021
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? B
Birding B
Wildlife C *
Summer Heat A
Terrain B
Fun Hike C *
Maintained A
Mosquitos C
Biting Files A *
Ticks B *
NOTE: Very possible
NOTE: Just short
NOTE: So far
NOTE: You don't really have much tall grass to be exposed to
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 15019 Broad St., Brooksville, FL, Hernando, USA, 34601

1) What It's Like

It feels like you're deep in the forest but it's really just a lake with a road around it and some picnic tables. It is beautiful, has a ranger at entrance, and it does seem to be good for birds.

2) Kinds of Birds

Should be birds in the surrounding forest but good for ducks and wading birds.

3) Wildlife

Nothing would surprise me but didn't see anything.

4) Amenities

You pay at the entrance, picnic tables, bathrooms, paved road.

5) Directions

Off US41 halfway between Floral City and Brooksville

6) Time Requirements

Short. Stop the car and look at the birds. One lake. We spent 40 minutes but easy to just pop in for moment.


We showed up somewhat near dusk. Saw hooded merganser and the more common birds there were more gregariously and entertaining than usual. The Cormorant was interacting with us on the peninsula. The sand hill cranes let us get close and when they landed did something you don't usually see close up - they had to circle around to come down through trees. On another trip a swallow tailed kite was repeatedly dipping down to go a sip of water while flying. So great quick stop!

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All images and data © 2016-2025 Andrew Thoreson unless otherwise noted.