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Crystal River SP Churchhouse Hammock Trail

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Jan 2019
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? Not Rated
Birding Not Rated
Wildlife Not Rated
Summer Heat Not Rated
Terrain Not Rated
Fun Hike Not Rated
Maintained Not Rated
Mosquitos Not Rated
Biting Files Not Rated
Ticks Not Rated
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 857 N Suncoast Blvd, Crystal River, FL, Citrus, USA, 34428

1) What It's Like

A mixed palm, oak, pine forest across the street from the mall going to near the gulf (it gets marshy - not a beach). We only stopped for 20 minutes to see the start of the trail.

2) Kinds of Birds

More forest birds than you might expect - it's near the water plus canopy opens up enough to see things.

3) Wildlife

I'd assume more than usual since it abuts the ocean/marshes but we didn't see anything.

4) Amenities

Mall is across the street so that probably covers everything. It's probably the closest trail to a Victoria's Secret or a Claire's I can think of.

5) Time Requirements

You can stop very briefly or do the "entire" 1 mile trail. We would have finished if we'd realized how short it was at the time!


We only stopped for 20 minutes to see the start of the trail. It starts out as a little short (height) boardwalk going through a pretty forest of cabbage palms, oaks, and pine. There were more birds than the average forest - partly because near the water and partly because there were enough openings in the canopy to see them. It seemed like a lot of non-serious-hikers came out and walked their dogs etc but that's true of any nice trail that's close to where people live like this. Looking at photos online it seems that we're into the part of Florida where instead of beaches you get marshes and little islands of trees. We didin't make it that far but I'd like to see the scenery out there.

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