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Split Rock Park

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Mar 2018
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? D
Birding C *
Wildlife C
Summer Heat B
Terrain B
Fun Hike C
Maintained D
Mosquitos C
Biting Files A
Ticks C
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: By 76 bus stop, Westbound SW 24th AVE @ SW 61st ST, Gainesville, FL, Alachua, USA, 32607

1) What It's Like

Going by descriptions of this place it is hugely disappointing. That said it is a nice sized little forest in the middle of Gainesville with a fair number of birds. They really don't want you to visit based on their refusal to provide parking.

2) Kinds of Birds

Forest birds - warblers, wren, thrush.

3) Wildlife

Feels like a forest but it's surrounded by student housing for miles (ie Gainesville).

4) Amenities

Not even parking or accurate information on the web.

5) Directions

By 76 bus stop, Westbound SW 24th AVE @ SW 61st ST. Look at my picture of entrance and for cars and mud where cars park. Park on side of the road seemed to be the way it works.

6) Dear Ranger

What is with the parking? You could make a driveway into the area where I know you own the land and people could park there. Are you really only allowing in people who live close by? And maps and signs would be helpful. I don't understand why you'd spend millions on buying land like this then skip the buck fifty to add a map and a gravel driveway or something.

7) Time Requirements

The whole loop took us an hour.


In the pictures I included a screenshot of what the city said. Elsewhere I read what implied this place had creeks disappearing into sink holes etc. No creek. There was a lower area that you couldn't really get to because they made sure not to put the trail there - but I'm guessing that was a sinkhole at some point... now it's just lower forest. There were limestone rocks around which is weird for Florida but it's not worth stopping for. It was unclear through the whole thing exactly where we were - signs / maps bad. We did hear birds around most of the time and saw some warblers, wren, and thrush.

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