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Cypress Lakes Preserve

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Aug 2018
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? D *
Birding C *
Wildlife C
Summer Heat B
Terrain D *
Fun Hike D *
Maintained F *
Mosquitos C
Biting Files A *
Ticks D
NOTE: If they fix it
NOTE: Hard to say - read below.
NOTE: Rediculously overgrown
NOTE: If maintained would be okay
NOTE: Horrid
NOTE: Saw none
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 33597 Ridge Manor Blvd, Ridge Manor, FL, Hernando, USA, 33523

1) What It's Like

It's a small forest 300 acres. It was such a train wreck of non-maintenance that you just couldn't go that far and if regardless of how far you should check for ticks. Even the sign was run down by a car what looks like multiple times.

2) Kinds of Birds

Ones that like overgrown trails and no people. We heard some - not a lot, not none.

3) Wildlife

Ones that like overgrown trails and no people

4) Amenities

Pieces of signs run over by a car and easy access to ticks

5) Directions

Researching now I see there's a second entrance but we started at corner of Ridge Manor Blvd. and Olancha Rd.

6) Dear Ranger

Please drive by each entrance and decide if you see a problem.

7) Time Requirements

According to the county map it looks like it's less than a half mile out and back. So if it was fixed you wouldn't be planning a lot of hours here.


We arrived and, wow, what happened to the entrance. Steel gate mangled like a semi hit it and the signs broken. But - oh well - drunk driver you'd suppose. But then we start walking and - okay this is not maintained. Put on the deet. And as we get farther in it's more and more seeming reckless until it's just not possible. It looks like it might be a pretty trail if you could use it but we didn't see all that much.

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