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Edward W. Chance Reserve Coker Prairie Tract

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Mar 2022
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big C *
Importance F
Revisit? D
Birding D
Wildlife C
Summer Heat F
Terrain B *
Fun Hike D *
Maintained D *
Mosquitos B
Biting Files A *
Ticks B
NOTE: I explored half in half a day - I don't recommend it.
NOTE: Was mowed when I went - might not stay that way in summer
NOTE: Very boring - just jeep trails with few spots of trees
NOTE: Trailhead has no information and it's just jeep trails so not much to maintain
NOTE: Usually they don't like exposed places like this
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 35100 FL-64, Myakka City, FL, Manatee, USA, 34251

1) What It's Like

Very little of interest and very spread out. Almost no shade anywhere. Great they are saving the land - maybe to join together to make wildlife corridors.

2) Kinds of Birds

Things that like fields with a few dead trees - vultures, kestrels maybe. Could have turkeys but saw none.

3) Wildlife

I saw deer and pigs when I spent the better part of a day exploring but there isn't much but very infrequent patches of trees and grass for much to hide in. That alligator pic was on private land to the left a ways after entering. Very little water here.

4) Amenities

A single picnic bench unreasonably far in to bother with.

5) Directions

Drive to it, reconsider, and go somewhere else ;-)

6) Time Requirements

You could spend the better part of a day if you wanted to walk it all but when I did I was disappointed.


It's just walking exposed to the sun and not seeing much but wide open spaces. Not diverse botany or varying environments. It's nice that the land is saved for the future but I'd have to be sick of other area trails to go back and I definitely wouldn't suggest it in summer.

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