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Big Talbot SP Boneyard Beach

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


Apr 2018
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? B
Birding C *
Wildlife D *
Summer Heat B
Terrain C *
Fun Hike A
Maintained B
Mosquitos B *
Biting Files A
Ticks B
NOTE: You hear some but we saw few.
NOTE: And sealife maybe
NOTE: Not grassy but there is a slope to it and trees to climb over
NOTE: Tends to be windy so not so much
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: Jacksonville, FL, Duval, USA, 32226

1) What It's Like

It's unusual for Florida - it's a trail going through sort of scrub under oaks going along a sort of seaside soil cliff. Then at the end you make it down to a somewhat narrow beach below that's lined with tons of dead trees. I assume they slowly fall off the cliff.

2) Kinds of Birds

Sea birds in distance. We heard some birds in the forest but didn't see them.

3) Wildlife

Didn't get the impression a lot here.

4) Amenities

I believe there was a bathroom and BBQ area at parking lot, photo overlook area.

5) Time Requirements

At least an hour and a half - you have to walk through the forest trail for about a half hour to reach the actual beach.


This was the northernmost stop on our Jacksonville / NW florida trip. Glad we stopped. The whole thing was pretty otherworldly. The forest was odd - thriving scrubby young oak trees and tall oaks - some not so healthy over head. The ocean is much more intense here than much of Florida as well. You walk through that for a half hour then it opens up into this private little strange area of dead trees. The top seemed like it belonged in New England in a way and the bottom seemed like the Olympic peninsula of Washington state (with heavy imagination on both).

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