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Middle Lake Boat Ramp

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info

Andrew Thoreson
Oct 2017
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? C *
Birding C
Wildlife C
Summer Heat C
Terrain B
Fun Hike Not Rated
Maintained B
Mosquitos D
Biting Files A
Ticks C
NOTE: If driving right by and felt like it.
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 18620 Townsend House Rd, FL, Pasco, USA, 33523

1) What It's Like

Supposed to be a birding spot - was just okay for birding. Just a boat ramp on a small lake next to a field and some trees.

2) Kinds of Birds

We saw some warblers and heard some birds in the trees. Should be wading birds and maybe ducks though saw none. Turkeys possible.

3) Wildlife

Anything is possible but it seems to me that somehow the layout isn't likely to let you see much here. It is near enough woods for there to be wildlife though.

4) Amenities

Boat ramp - that's it.

5) Time Requirements

5-15 minutes probably.


The road in is kind of fun - dirt road with bumps, twists, and turns but not so bad you need a special car/truck. There's not much to it - either you see birds or you don't. I didn't get the impression it was the kind of place that waiting around a long time would fix. Walking back up the road through the trees seemed the most fruitful.

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All images and data © 2016-2025 Andrew Thoreson unless otherwise noted.