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Alderman's Ford Preserve

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info


May 2018
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? B
Birding C
Wildlife C
Summer Heat A *
Terrain B *
Fun Hike B
Maintained B
Mosquitos D
Biting Files A *
Ticks C
NOTE: The covered part can be nice
NOTE: Mostly mowed
NOTE: Could be there but had none.
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 8911 Turkey Creek Rd, Plant City, FL, Hillsborough, USA, 33567

1) What It's Like

A field with birds that quickly descends into deep forest along the Alafia river. Very enclosed and fun trail. You get to the interesting parts quickly if you want a quick hike.

2) Kinds of Birds

Typical forest birds - cardinals, titmice, red shouldered hawk. Not a huge birding spot but there are birds - I'd say the appeal is more the hike.

3) Wildlife

Should be deer etc but saw no sign.

4) Amenities

Just a parking area. Not too far from gas stations or the major Alderman's Ford Park (not preserve) though you have to pay to get in there.

5) Directions

There's a clear parking area and sign - address should get you there.

6) Time Requirements

You could see interesting things in 30 minutes or spend a few hours here.


You arrive and it seems like you've driven into a forested area in a rural place and surprise - a park. When facing the trailhead sign you can go right, backwards, or back and to the left. To the right gets to the river pretty quickly. The other directions I didn't explore thoroughly but it's sort of scrub / field with some trees. Lots of blackberries growing if you're there in the right season. And seemed to have good amount of birds but nothing exotic - just typical forest birds (cardials, titmice, red shouldered hawk, etc).
If you go to the right (so that should be south I believe) you'll walk along forest on your left until you can turn left into the forest. 10 min walk maybe. I visited at a time of flooding so your experience may vary: once you enter the little path into the forest it's suddenlyl very shaded with mostly live oak, cabbage palm, and pretty varied low lying plants. As soon as you enter however it's like a staircase of roots going down to river level. You reach the river quickly - 5-10 min walk at most. Once there it feels like you just found your own personal river and while flooded it was pretty impressive and fast. Continuing the walk a bit further and a couple local guys were diving into the river from a tree going over it. Looked like they were having a lot of fun. And I didn't get to go much further because the path was under water from flooding but looked like it would continue to be a great trail.

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