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Venetian Gardens Park

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info

Andrew Thoreson
Apr 2022
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? A
Birding B
Wildlife D
Summer Heat D
Terrain B
Fun Hike B
Maintained B
Mosquitos B
Biting Files A
Ticks A
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 201 E Dixie Ave, Leesburg, FL, Lake, USA, 34748

1) What It's Like

It's a small municipal park but it is pretty special. There are canals with the right kind of depth and grasses to bring in the more interesting wading and water birds plus it's just a nice place for a picnic etc. One of a few places I'd try to find Purple Gallinules if I was looking for them.

2) Kinds of Birds

Purple gallinules, common gallinues, limpkin, sandhill cranes, egrets, heron, plus just misc forest birds and warblers show up.

3) Wildlife

Maybe alligators and turtles.

4) Amenities

Picnic areas, bathrooms, parking lot.

5) Time Requirements

1-40 minutes. Probably 20 would do.


Our first time here it was nicer because it was pre-Hurricane Irma. The second time it was mostly intact - you just couldn't walk out on some of the paths.

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All images and data © 2016-2025 Andrew Thoreson unless otherwise noted.