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Green Mountain

Birding / Hiking / Adventuring Roadtrip Info

Andrew Thoreson
Aug 2018
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GRADES: Click each for info, * = Note
How Big Not Rated
Importance Not Rated
Revisit? B
Birding D *
Wildlife B *
Summer Heat B
Terrain A
Fun Hike A
Maintained B
Mosquitos B
Biting Files A *
Ticks B *
NOTE: Didn't see much
NOTE: Saw none but forested
NOTE: ...That we saw...
NOTE: You don't really go in grass
 LOCATION: Accuracy: Read me
Map On Big Map: Click map (or on google maps). Address: 20700 County Rd 455, Minneola, FL, Lake, USA, 34715

1) What It's Like

It's a scenic overlook that seems like it belongs in the appalacian foothills, not Florida... well at least to someone who's been in Florida a long time. I think it's quite beautiful. Just a little foot bridge and path - not much too it.

2) Kinds of Birds

Nearby Lake Apopka is a bird hot spot. This really isn't. Not more than any usual forest. Also you're high up and you won't see things under the tree canopy from here well.

3) Wildlife

Again - I'm sure there's wildlife but you'd be lucky to see it from this vantage - the trees are too thick to see far. Unless there are bigfoot hopping between treetops here.

4) Amenities

Bathroom and picnic area - it seems very well taken care of.

5) Directions

You tend to drive in a rough circle around Lake Apopka. If you're in Ferndale go north a bit and it's on the right - the sign is fairly clear. If you're in Astutula go south, it's on the left. The pretty hilly drive is somewhere to the north but I'm drawing a blank looking at maps as to the exact spot. Ferndale Preserve is nearby.

6) Dear Ranger

Lovely park =)

7) Time Requirements

2 minute walk - you'll likely stay 15-20 minutes for the view, more if you walk down to the ground.


If you were driving around most US states this scenic overlook wouldn't be very interesting but considering it's in Florida it can be pretty special - we like to stop here quite a bit. It almost feels like you're looking over a short Appalachian mountain's vantage of tall trees nearly as far as the eye can see. There is not much too it - look down 2 stories to the ground, look out to the trees, plus a nice trail down to the ground level. It's a nicely taken care of place and the drive around the area - the west side of lake Apopka can be gorgeous if you take the right roads.

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